July 2021 Channeled Angel Message: Prepare now for the Great Awakening
With every channeled Angel message that I receive, there are always secondary messages encoded within the main message. Over the last few days leading up to July, the Angels have been speaking with me constantly bringing through an important message which I will share...
Spiritual Warfare, Discernment, & Boundaries
Your ability to discern false light messages is far greater than you think. True Angelic messages, messages that hold love/light as their core, are unmistakable. They hold a clear, neutral tone, that respects your energetic sovereignty. They resonate with...
2021 Angel Forecast
2020.....The year of The Great Awakening. The year that began the journey to New Earth, and a shift in consciousness so great, that it will be evolutionary. As we see out the year, and anchor in 2021, I want to share my most important Angel Forecast to date. Please...
November Angel Forecast
October Angel Forecast
Please enjoy my October Angel forecast below:
Channelled Angel Q & A
Today I received the following channel regarding the September collective experience, which I shared over three posts on my social media (links below). Channelled Q & A with the Angels Part 1: LIGHT CODES: Q: What are light codes? A: Light codes are a frequency...
How to Break Through The Fear Agenda:
How to Break Through The Fear Agenda: One of the students of the Angel Immersion asked an important question recently, that I knew instantly I needed to ask the Angels to speak on. I'm paraphrasing, but in essence, her question was, "Am I safe to witness the...
2020: Truths Revealed
Dear Light Beam, This is a hard post for me to share. The hardest I have written. This morning I woke from a dream, with some very specific details. The Angels will occasionally come to me in my sleep, when they do, I know its VERY important. For the rest of this...
The Great Awakening: A call to All Lightworkers.
I've channelled a message today for all Lightworkers experiencing an activation to service now. Watch the full video here. Remember, I can support you the following ways now: 1. Join my facebook community for monthly channelled live events with the Angels. 2. I will...